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Live Bookings
Please contact Regina Greene for all live bookingsReleases:
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Audience of One
CD - Double Gatefold Vinyl - Download
Vinyl Track listing:
A: Salt
B: Knots pt. 1
C: Knots pt. 2
D1: Passage
D2: Fractured MirrorOn Audience of One, Oren Ambarchi presents a four-part suite which moves from throbbing minimalism to expansive song-craft to ecstatic free-rock. His previous solo albums for Touch exhibited a clear progression towards augmenting and embellishing his signature bass-heavy guitar tones with fragile acoustic instrumentation. Audience of One, while also existing in clear continuity with these recordings, opens the next chapter.
Listen to an extract of ‘Knots’
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In The Pendulum’s Embrace
CD - 3 Tracks
Track Listing:
1. Fever, A Warm Poison
2. Inamorata
3. Trailing Moss in Mystic GlowOren Ambarchi continues his otherworldly investigations with "In The Pendulum's Embrace", a dark twin to his landmark 2004 album "Grapes from the Estate" [Touch # TO:61]. Returning again to the hallowed halls of BJB Studios in Sydney, Ambarchi expands the scope and range of his unique musical language, incorporating an even broader pallette of instruments and sensibilities. Despite the use of glass harmonica, strings, bells, piano, percussion and guitars, it's startling that the world created is still unmistakably his own, and that there is such a cohesion of vision throughout the albums's three lengthy pieces. With this record there's an even more tenuous coexistence of fragility and density; sounds as light as air mingling with wall shaking low-end. The converted already know the kind of trance-inducing euphoria of Ambarchi's music.
Newcomers will be scouting the back catalogue...
Listen to an extract of ‘Inamorata’
Audio Player-
CD - 5 tracks
Track listing:
1. Intimidator
2. Iron Waves
3. Moving Violation
4. The Strouhal Number
5. A Final Kiss On Poisoned CheeksIntermission brings together a range of material Oren Ambarchi has contributed to compilations and limited edition vinyl releases between the years 2000 and 2008. Highlights include two live recordings - an early, fragile solo guitar recording taken from a radio broadcast in 2000 and A Final Kiss On Poisoned Cheeks, his powerful 12" recorded live in Vancouver in 2007 and originally released on Table Of The Elements. Additional tracks include Iron Waves an exclusive track in collaboration with vocalist Paul Duncan and Intimidator featuring Australian pianist/composer Anthony Pateras originally released on Southern Lord.
These are special anomalies in the Ambarchi canon but nonetheless feature the hallmarks of his unique soundworld, all underpinned by his trademark deep guitar tones and meticulous attention to detail. All tracks are newly remastered, many of which are available on CD for first time.
Listen to an extract of ‘The Strouhal Number’
Audio Player-
Destinationless Desire
7" Vinyl - 2 tracks
Side A: Highway of Diamonds
Side B: Bleeding ShadowElectric guitars, organ, samples, bells, percussion and motorised cymbal recorded at BJB Studios, Sydney with additional overdubs made at home 2005-2007. Gratitude to Fairport Convention and Boris D Hegenbart.
Grapes From The Estate
CD (deleted) - 4 tracks
Track listing:
1. Corkscrew
2. Girl With The Silver Eyes
3. Remedios The Beauty
4. Stars Aligned, Webs SpunOren Ambarchi's third solo project for Touch [after Suspension and Insulation] sees him reaching beyond the work for electric guitar that he's become recognised for, expanding his palette and taking his investigations into another sphere entirely. Grapes from the Estate features new instrumentation (strings, tuned bells, percussion and others that can only be guessed at), but the singular and unmistakable influence that Ambarchi exerts on these new materials is what makes it such an indelible work.
There is a reconciliation of his love of song-based music and his determination to deal in pure sound. The result is a work that truly eludes such arbitrary definitions. Grapes From The Estate is an all consuming experience that draws the listener out of an ordinary sense of time, into a world beyond it.
Listen to an extract from ‘Corkscrew’
Audio Player-
CD (deleted) - 6 tracks
Track Listing:
1. wednesday
2. vogler
3. this evening so soon
4. gene
5. suspension
6. as far as the eye can see Listen to an extract from ‘Wednesday’
Audio Player-
CD (deleted) - 11 tracks
1. Préambule (0:16)
2. Murmur (3:47)
3. Snork (14:26)
4. Lungs (3:47)
5. Simon (2:42)
6. Strategem (5:01)
7. Study N°1 (3:20)
8. Study N°3 (4:37)
9. Concurrents (2:54)
10. La Notte (4:06)
11. L'Eclisse (5:52)Insulation is a well-focused, neatly varied work that falls somewhere between the concrète constructions of Tod Dockstader and the abstract soundscaping of Pan Sonic or the Mego crew. Each track is a self-contained entity exploring fresh terrain - from chaotically layered clashes to eerie, isolationist incursions - even as it gets along with its neighbours. Most surprising is how Ambarchi avoids any form of computer processing or editing.
With plenty of low end activity, the album has a particularly visceral impact. Waves and smears of heavy bass wash against the body or burst outwards in sudden, shuddering jolts. Drones distort and spear outwards as irritants, while the layers of micro-activity bristle and barb against the skin.
Listen to an extract from ‘Strategem’
Audio PlayerStreaming
Exclusive Download:
"Simon" and "Strategem", from his 1st solo album, Insulation [Touch # T33.16, 1999] are free to listen here.
A live video of "the final option" piece from the "Lost Like a Star" LP on bo' weavil records.
Publishing & Licensing
Oren Ambarchi is a member of APRA and is exclusively published by Touch Music administered by Mushroom Music in Australasia. His solo work is also released on Touch.Live Archive