Oren Ambarchi Feature on Bandcamp


Oren Ambarchi Explores the Potential of “What If?”
By Daniel Dylan Wray, August 20, 2024

Experimenting with strange sounds has been a part of Oren Ambarchi’s life since he was a child. His grandfather owned a junk shop in Sydney, Australia, where he grew up, and a curious Ambarchi would bring home effect pedals and reel-to-reel machines to play with. His teenage years were spent drumming in free jazz and noise rock bands before an abandoned guitar in a rehearsal studio led him to start experimenting with the instrument. “I never had any formal training,” he explains. “So, in the early days, I was more interested in electronics and pedals than the instrument per se. I used the guitar as a sound generator, trying to emulate what I heard on the early musique concréte, noise, and electronic records I loved.”